Our Carr Davis family is a potpourri of wordsmiths and creative artists. Among them, one of the most prolific is Vi Parsons. A true weaver of words and history, Vi is the author of five books and countless published articles. Here at Ridge Haven, she is affectionately referred to as Mother Vi–the Grandam of our family history.

In addition to the wonderfully written family stories and rich genealogical work she has provided to our family, Mother Vi has been a committed provider of handmade items to children in need. She can turn a piece of yarn, or thread, or fabric into a story of its own, and for well over a decade, she has shared these “stories” with various charitable crafting circles.
Most notably, Mother Vi has contributed dozens of blankets and quilts to the Linus Project. According to their mission statement, they have two goals, 1) Provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer “blanketeers”; and 2) Provide a rewarding and fun service opportunity for interested individuals and groups in local communities, for the benefit of children.
Mother Vi’s grasp of technology and use of the internet to share her work has also been a huge inspiration to our family. Over twenty years ago, she began designing what would become several websites with which to share family history and her creative projects, such as her blanket and quilt making. As a portal into the past, the websites were a cherished gift for our family. In 2022, after she retired from updating the websites (three in all–not including her various blogging sites!), we arranged to have them migrated to jnkdavis.com. By 4 July, 2023, all of her sites are once again available. Huzzah!
Carr Twins & Co.
Carr Dragoo Family Album
ViP Creations
We invite all our visitors to take an extra moment and explore her wealth of knowledge and creativity by visiting the News & Articles page.