Carr Twins & Co. is an independent publisher, focusing on biography, short stories, family history, and inspirational works. The company was established in 2006 by Vi Carr Parsons and Violet Carr Moore.
As identical twins, Parsons and Moore have almost everything in common. Not least of which is a life-long love affair with writing and a dedication to publishing works that encourage, enlighten, and educate.
Carr Twins & Co. was launched with the second printing of Double Take, the twins’ remembrances of growing up in the 1940s and 50s in the agricultural San Joaquin Valley, California.
In 2024, Carr Twins & Co. launched its imprint, CTC Journals, with an heirloom pet journal titled Keeping Tracks. In the same year, two more heirloom titles were launched, Carr Twins & Co. The First 20ish Years; and Early Dragoo Family History: Autograph Edition. Both are hand-bound, numbered limited edition autograph books.