When we take the time to earnestly and carefully introspect and write down our thoughts—to really share what is on our minds and in our hearts—we bless our family, and we bless the generations whom do not yet know us. We are blessed by the many writers in our family (both sides) for sharing their inspirations, insights, concerns, values, and blessings—committing them to “paper” and to posterity.

On June 21, 2023, our father, Jim Davis, began committing his thoughts—his heart and mind—to posterity through his blog, “Eclectic Geezer.” The purpose of his blog, in his own words, is to “invoke thoughtful reflection.” And although eclectic, ‘thoughtful reflection’ is the golden thread that unites the whole. We are so grateful to our father, chief among our community of elders, for diligently imparting his insights and his values to our family—and to the world. His story, the story he weaves through the seemingly eclectic blog posts, is also our story—and it is a precious inheritance beyond words.
We urge all families to understand and take very seriously the invaluable inheritance embedded in the words of our fathers and mothers—particularly those words that are purposefully and thoughtfully imparted through writing, storytelling, oral interviews, and the like. Their story is our story. Their legacy our legacy. They share and write for us, so that we, and the generations to come, may know them. And by knowing them, we come to know and understand ourselves. Their history is our biography.