Tri-Valley Writer Wins First Place in Pandemic Anthology
May 1, 2021, California. “A short story by Violet Carr Moore, a member of the Tri-Valley Branch of the California Writers Club, received first place in a statewide competition for pandemic-related fiction sponsored by the High Desert Branch.
Moore’s tale of a travel writer under government quarantine for a terminal condition was also published in the California Writers Club anthology, “Survival: Tales of Pandemic,” along with stories by 23 other authors.
Although the story, “Fatal,” was written before the COVID-19 pandemic, a Writers Club summary notes that Moore’s main character, “Laura,” “wants to leave a protected environment to photograph the Mississippi River…” [read the rest of the article on the Tri-Valley Website].
Original Article Citation:
“Tri-Valley Writer Wins First Place in Pandemic Anthology.” The Independent,
As Cited on
“Violet Carr Moore In The News.” JnK Davis, 7 Apr. 2023,
Jack London Award
Original Citation:
“Jack London Award.” California Writers Club Tri-Valley Branch, 2013.
As Cited on
“Violet Carr Moore In The News.” JnK Davis, 7 Apr. 2023,
Non Traditional Student Wins Scholarship
The article reads, “Violet Carr Moore received a Howard T. Collins Memorial Scholarship at a ceremony in Hayward, California on August 2, 2012. This grant, sponsored by Eden Housing, was awarded for her continued educational endeavors in creative writing.
In recognition of this award, Violet received commendation certificates from John Garamendi, United States Congress; Ellen M. Corbett, California State Senate; Mary Hayashi, California State Legislature; the County of Alameda Board of Supervisors; and the City of San Jose.” [Read more…]
Original Article Citation:
“Nontraditional Student Wins Scholarship.” Violet’s Vibes, 13 Aug. 2012,
As Cited on
“Violet Carr Moore In The News.” JnK Davis, 7 Apr. 2023,