Three Carr Brothers…and Three Sisters
Our story begins with children of John J. and Tellitha Emmaline (nee Hussong) Carr.
Our story begins with children of John J. and Tellitha Emmaline (nee Hussong) Carr.
We invite you to celebrate Davis Day, a unique holiday that encourages the observer to experience the vast interconnectedness of people, ideas, and the Earth.
Gardens, like relationships, must be meticulously attended to or dis-ease will ultimately occur. Obviously, not all plants have the same needs. Some plants require more patience and understanding. Some need more space to sprawl and soak up the sunshine.
It used to be called Arm Chair Travel–an exploration of exotic lands and interesting people. But this pictorial guide is more than just visiting far away exciting places, it is a travel back in time.
An Anniversary is a celebration of personal and shared accomplishment, and, in our opinion, that celebration should elicit the most attention from couples, family, and friends.
We usually hand make paper for “thank you” cards and envelopes, but recently we remembered salt dough, and a new joy was born. Making salt dough is simple, fun, and inexpensive.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, an Anniversary Year Book beautifully describes the joy and delight of a year’s memories. | jnkdavis.com
This type of list is often referred to as a “Bucket List.” For many years we referred to ours as the “dream list.” We were intrigued when the term “bucket list” came into vogue. Why the word “bucket?” After a quick Internet search, we are sad to report: it is a reference to “kicking the bucket.”
Most people have fond memories of delicious marshmallow Peeps. As vegans, we just can’t bring ourselves to eat one. Nevertheless, Peeps do not go unpunished in our home.
Between our joy of making our own games and our drive to repurpose, we stumbled onto to an idea that resulted in our most used and most beloved game set yet. Yahtzee! And you’ll never believe what it’s made from.
We love flowers so much we could just eat ’em! Every room in our home is laden with flowers: living, artificial, ceramic, painted … just a wide variety of flowery curiosities. But, as much as we love looking at flowers, we love eating them even more.
One way we’ve kept the flame in our relationship burning is through “crafts.” Creating beautiful and yet useful stuff together has been a great way to memorialize special occasions and create meaningful, time-honored traditions.