We were college students working part-time jobs when we first got married. While our first Anniversary included the traditional dinner and entertainment, we agreed that no matter how creative we’d become at making tasty Top Ramen meals, our Anniversary celebration should be on the unconventional side — it should be novel (at least to us). We wanted to create our own traditions, to celebrate outside-of-the-box our yearly accomplishment of keeping our relationship solid and joyful.
We of course consulted our “bucket list” — the master list of all the things we’d like to do together, written within the first few days after committing to a lifelong partnership. You can read about it by clicking here.
Anyway, one hoped-for endeavor was candle making. Being the zany—and economically challenged—couple that we were, we spent our Anniversary Day making a candle that (wait for it …) we would burn each Anniversary for one minute per each year we’ve stayed together, and by our estimation, will last us to the year 2150 (give or take a few years).
What we are suggesting here is abandoning the boring and stressful tradition of buying each other a gift, having a forgettable meal, or going away for a weekend. Instead we are promoting NOVEL Anniversary memories.
Novel experiences are packed with bonding power! The annual celebration of completing one more year should represent you as a unique couple and should be wrapped around togetherness, playfulness, and craftiness.
By sharing our list of ideas, we hope to provide other couples a jumping off platform for creating fantastic and memorable Anniversary Celebrations. As a jump starter, Anniversary Celebrations can be built around Anniversary Symbols. You can read about the symbols by clicking here!
Enjoy the list. Also, you can download a PDF of 40 Fantastic Free and Frugal Anniversary Ideas.
Click on the sage green text to see an example or DIY instructions.
40 Free and Frugal Fantastic Anniversary Ideas
1. Print out the Anniversary Year-By-Year list and plan your next Anniversary
2. A digital image treasure hunt of your Anniversary stone, flower, and element
3. Draw or collage your dream home (we used floor planner)
4. Make a bucket list of things you’d like to do together over the years
5. Plan/start a yearly Anniversary Tradition
6. Start an Anniversary scrapbook
7. Create a date night draw jar
8. Go to your favorite place and take selfies
9. Get all dressed up and ask a stranger (or friend) to take Anniversary Pics of you
10. Enjoy a sport you’ve never tried before: go roller skating, sky diving, etc.
11. Take the day to make gifts for family and friends
12. Make Anniversary keepsake folders
13. Plant your Anniversary flower
14. Make cards for loved ones or seniors in a retirement home and deliver the cards
15. Go for a drive or a walk and pick out house styles you both like
16. Make an envelope memory book
17. Make an Anniversary collage picture
18. Make an Anniversary candle to burn each year during your Anniversary
19. Make pulp art plantable paper hearts to send to your wedding party or friends
20. Make a Date Ideas Binder
21. Take an Anniversary picture holding a picture of your last Anniversary
22. Go on a hunt for your Anniversary Stone
23. Create an Anniversary Bucket list that you can draw from each year
24. Start a together journal. Write things about each other, love notes, or poems
25. Do a craft that represents your Anniversary year, stone, element, and/or flower
26. Plan a simple coffee and dessert get-together and celebrate with friends
27. Make each other an Anniversary gift
28. Make a list of things that you could do to make your relationship more successful
29. Get all dressed up and have a picnic in the back yard or on the living room floor
30. Create a spa in your bedroom and give each other massages
31. Create a meal or cocktail using edible flowers
32. Have a movie marathon of your favorite actors
33. Go on a shopping spree to buy each other a gift for exactly $10
34. Make each other a gift from recycled containers
35. Make a picture puzzle of the two of you
36. Get a state or county map, close your eyes and put your finger on a city to visit
37. Volunteer at a community event
38. Go to a local attraction or historic site that you’ve never been to
39. Karaoke
40. Write out your shared goals for the next 5 or 10 years
A Smile For Your Thoughts!
We truly enjoying sharing our ideas with you. We’re always looking for new ways to celebrate our Anniversary. Please take a moment to share this page with your loved ones, and have the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve brought a smile to our faces.
Want more ideas like these? Follow our Celebrating Togetherness Pinterest board.